MPE is proud to be part of the “FanBala” project: a fan group supporting the volleyball teams of the Balamunt sports society.
In July 2013, the A.S.D. BALAMUNT was born, a union between the word “Bala,” an essential tool for volleyball, and the “Munt” that surround the horizon of our land.
The Society’s clear intentions: promoting the practice of volleyball and launching new talents with a lively spirit of participation in the common good of the Association.
MPE decided to become a sponsor because it believes in the values of sports and the philosophy that the Society is transmitting to our young people: team spirit, mutual respect, sense of belonging to the territory, preparation, and involvement in sports activities.
Anyone can participate in the project by purchasing the shirt and thus becoming an official FanBala!
For more information:
IG: @asdbalamunt
FB: ASD Balamunt