R & D

The technical support that the MPE team provides to its customers is undoubtedly the most appreciated added value. This mainly thanks to over forty years of experience and several case studies, with the connected case by case issues, addressed over the years.

MPE is nowadays considered a valued and reliable partner for:

  • Development of new components
  • Design and Co-design
  • Kinematics Analysis (FEM)
  • Prototypes
  • Technical consultancy

The co-design activity is particularly appreciated for the development of steering gear components, as well as shock absorbers.

Software such as CATIA and Abaqus Unified FEA (Finite Element Analysis) support the Technical Department activity by providing customers with realistic simulations of materials and products behavior, solving upstream possible engineering criticalities.

MPE is able, upon customer request, to design and build prototypes, using steel, aluminum or glass fiber molds to optimize shapes, sizes, dimensions and functionality of the finished product.

Maintenance / service workshop

Another important chapter of MPE experience is represented by knowledge on tools. All three technologies – molding, traditional blow molding and injection-blow molding (Pressblow molding) – are in-house conceived, designed and developed by our Technical Department.

For tool’s construction MPE is assisted by a range of selected suppliers, both Italian and foreign. This allows to ensure to the end customer innovative solutions along with competitiveness.

Our maintenance/service workshop ensure all tooling and equipment to always perform at the highest quality standard.